L, obr: 22L, obr: 23



Some of the studios and apartments in the ESAC complex have been rented long-term by the Czech and Austrian Ministry of Culture, the Culture Department of the State of Upper Austria, the Ministry of Culture of the State of Hessen (Germany), and the International Ceramics Studio from Hungary. These apartments are constantly occupied the whole year.

The rent is based on the size of the rented room, the length of the rental, and the waiting time before the room is free to use. All rooms for rent are in the ESAC complex on a river bank in the centre of Cesky Krumlov.

Monthly expenses are invoiced quarterly or annually – according to a prior agreement and the actual time of occupation of the room.

Full long term rental – 10 years – has absolute priority. Rental for a shorter period is now possible in apartments VI and VII, nevertheless only until someone rents them for 10 years. Under the same rule, a purely residential apartment is now available for photographers, writers, etc.

Nastavení soukromí:

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