EGON SCHIELE (1890 - 1918)

E, obr: 27


Through the setting up of the Egon Schiele Art Centrum in November 1993 Schiele returned to Český Krumlov. Furniture designed by Schiele himself, his death mask and his only sculpture can be seen in addition to a permanent exhibition of water-colours and drawings and a documentary room devoted to the life and work of the artist.


1890                    Born on 12th June in Tulln (near Vienna). His Viennese father Adolf Schiele is a Station Master of the Royal and Imperial State Railways. His mother, Marie, comes from Krumlov in Bohemia. He has two sisters, Melanie and Gertrud.
1896 - 1902 Elementary School in Tulln, Secondary Grammar School in Krems and Klosterneuburg.
1905 His father dies. His uncle Leopold Czihaczek becomes his guardian. First paintings.
1906 Admission to the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna. He attends the general painting classes of Professor Christian Griepenkerl, a conservative academic painter at the turn of the century, and their differing opinions often lead to conflict.
1907 Meets Gustav Klimt who influences his first works. Towards the end of 1909 Schiele developes an individual style.
1908 Takes part in his first public exhibition in the Emperor's Hall in Klosterneuburg Monastery.
1909 Takes part in the International Art Exhibition in Vienna. Breaks off his studies at the Academy. Schiele founds the New Art Group ("Neukunstgruppe") with like minded companions. He gets to know the art critic Arthur Roessler who becomes his most important biographer and supporter. He forms contacts with collectors and publishers and to the architects Otto Wagner and Joseph Hoffmann, the founder of the Viennese Workshop ("Wiener Werkstaette") which provides Schiele with work from time to time. Exhibitions in Austrian and German galleries.
1910 A year of intensive work leading to his definitive artistic independence. Sick of Vienna he travels to Krumlov, his mother's home town and frequent painting motif.
1911 He moves to Krumlov with his girlfriend and favourite model Wally Neuzil. His free lifestyle and nude drawings of young girls are condemned by the inhabitants of Krumlov. He leaves the town. Exhibition in the well-known Viennese Miethke Salon. Acceptance into the "Sema" artists association in Munich, which also numbers Paul Klee and Alfred Kubin among its members. Albert P. Guetersloh and Arthur Roessler issue the first publications about Egon Schiele.
1912 Increased participation in Group Exhibitions at home and abroad: including the Goltz Gallery in Munich (with the Blue Rider - "Der Blaue Reiter"), Cologne ("Sonderbund") and Budapest ("Neukunstgruppe"). A representative exhibition in the Folkwang Museum in Hagen. Moves to Neulengbach: 24 day detention pending trial on account of the alleged kidnapping and seduction of minors. The unjustified charge is dropped but he is sentenced to three days imprisonment on account of the drawings in his studio: they are regarded as "Pornography which is accessible to juveniles". He moves into a new studio in Vienna.
1913 Member of the Federation of Austrian Artists (Bund Oesterreichischer Kuenstler). Takes part in exhibitions in Budapest, Cologne, Dresden, Munich, Paris, Rome and, for the first time, at the Viennese Secession. Appearance of works and poems in the Berlin weekly for politics, literature and art The Action ("Die Aktion") which is published by Franz Pfemfert. Experiments with printed graphics. Gets to know the Harms sisters, Adele and Edith.
1915 Exhibition at Guido Arnot in Vienna. Called up for military service after his third examination. Marries Edith Harms shortly before entering the army. Stationed at first in Prague and Neuhaus and then near Vienna.
1916 Clerical work in the Muehling Prisoner of War Camp. In spite of his military service he takes part in exhibitions including at the Berlin and Munich Secessions. "The Action" publishes a special Schiele edition.
1917 Commissioned to draw military establishments. From time to time he lives and works in his studio. Plans to found an autonomous artists' association "Kunsthalle". Takes part in the War Exhibition in Vienna.
1918 Transferred to the Military Museum in Vienna. Schiele organizes the 49th exhibition of the Viennese Secession after Gustav Klimt's death. He also designs the poster for this event. The exhibition is a great artistic and material success for Schiele. He receives numerous commissions from Viennese society and moves into a second studio. His pregnant wife Edith dies of Spanish Influenza on 28th October. Schiele succumbs to the epidemic - at the age of twenty-eight - on 31st October.
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